Great Politics

It is very difficult to understand politics. It is really sad. I know several people who would love to get involved in politics, but unfortunately they can\’t, and time may not allow it. It is really difficult. Because being a politician means actually being in the public eye and being discussed in various ways in the media and on television.

Politika má toho hodně co nabídnout.

Many people are indeed ashamed of their opinions and statements. There are businessmen and politicians who are ashamed of themselves, and perhaps if they leave politics, people will, of course, recognize them for the rest of their lives. Sometimes it is really hard to do that, and I think people should realize whether they entered politics voluntarily or only when they wanted to change something. No one person can change anything, so I don\’t think it\’s a good idea to think that if you enter politics, everything will go your way. As you wish. But sometimes that\’s not true at all.

Chcete vstoupit do politiky?

Sometimes it is not, but it certainly is. I don\’t know anyone who would say that working in politics is really 100% worth it. So far, people have always been disappointed. Yes, even if people try to make their jobs work, even if they try to make everything really work, politics is not the same as the classic same job. Politics is something completely different, and politics is sometimes really, really challenging. Of course, there is really a lot of money in politics, but sometimes you have to sacrifice everything to work in politics, and sometimes you have to make everything work for you.

Great Politics

It is very difficult to understand politics. It is really sad. I know several people who would love to get involved in politics, but unfortunately they can\’t, and time may not allow it. It is really difficult. Because being a politician means actually being in the public eye and being discussed in various ways in the media and on television.

Politika má toho hodně co nabídnout.

Many people are indeed ashamed of their opinions and statements. There are businessmen and politicians who are ashamed of themselves, and perhaps if they leave politics, people will, of course, recognize them for the rest of their lives. Sometimes it is really hard to do that, and I think people should realize whether they entered politics voluntarily or only when they wanted to change something. No one person can change anything, so I don\’t think it\’s a good idea to think that if you enter politics, everything will go your way. As you wish. But sometimes that\’s not true at all.

Chcete vstoupit do politiky?

Sometimes it is not, but it certainly is. I don\’t know anyone who would say that working in politics is really 100% worth it. So far, people have always been disappointed. Yes, even if people try to make their jobs work, even if they try to make everything really work, politics is not the same as the classic same job. Politics is something completely different, and politics is sometimes really, really challenging. Of course, there is really a lot of money in politics, but sometimes you have to sacrifice everything to work in politics, and sometimes you have to make everything work for you.